The Tingling Sensation you may get when you first use Magnesium Topically

THE IMPORTANCE OF MAGNESIUM IN HEALTH – Benefits and why you find you may “tingle” when you begin use for the first time


There are many ways you can boost magnesium levels in your body. One of the most effective methods is with topical magnesium application; which is why we love our magnesium spritz oils directly on the skin. However, some users can experience a tingling sensation on the skin after application.

Why does magnesium oil burn? Is it a good sign or a bad sign? How can you avoid this irritating sensation? 

Magnesium is a mineral that is imperative for our overall health and wellness.

From migraines to sleep disorders and skin problems, magnesium may help remedy countless health and skin conditions. Due to the heavily processed diets of today, magnesium deficiency is common as it is depleted from the food sources. Magnesium deficiency can lead to a multitude of detrimental health issues that can easily be avoided by simply boosting your levels.


There is a very strong link between low levels of magnesium in the body and the stinging caused by magnesium oil. In most cases, people who experience this sensation during or after applying magnesium spray believe that their skin is sensitive to magnesium oil. However, this is not always the case. The reasons why magnesium oil can cause skin tingling can be any or the combination of the following:

 Severe deficiency

  • Magnesium oil causing itchiness can be the sign of low levels of the mineral in your body. Therefore, the more severe the deficiency is, the more severe the sensation. Itchiness is often a side effect when magnesium deficient skin is first introduced to Magnesium Oil. This "urgency reaction" causes the blood vessels to open quickly, creating friction under the skin. This sensation and other side effects should subside when the product is used consistently and the body no longer has the "urgency reaction".
  • Too much magnesium at once
    Applying a heap of magnesium oil on your skin can be tempting if you are deficient, however, it is not always the best idea. Suddenly ramping up the amount of magnesium oil you apply may contribute to the stinging sensation. Gradually get your body get used to the topical magnesium oil, especially if you are a first-time user. Just a couple of sprays at first only and then build up slowly, daily.
  • Vasodilatation
    Magnesium oil acts as the vasodilator that relaxes muscle cells and increases blood flow in capillaries. This may also cause a stinging sensation.


The prevalence of magnesium deficiency has sky-rocketed in today's world. As a result, many more individuals are suffering from health conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, constipation, heart disease, fatigue, etc. In fact, studies reveal that up to 80% of Americans have health problems related to inadequate magnesium levels. Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can relieve a deficiency and benefit from replenishing your magnesium levels. Our Magnesium Blends are perfect for topping up your levels through your skin as they are absorbed directly into the body for maximum benefit.