How magnesium can help with anxiety


Anxiety is a very common feeling that many experience especially in 2020 and 2021 and often linked to fear or worry. However, experiencing constant anxiety that remains unmanaged can significantly affect your health in many ways.

Unlike stress, anxiety can occur at any time, often without a specific trigger.

Chronic anxiety is characterised by experiencing these symptoms regularly:


  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid breathing
  • Tension in nerves and muscles
  • Fast-paced racing heart
  • Sweating
  • Changes in appetite
  • Mood shifts
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Difficulty sleeping




Unfortunately, anxiety is often treated with prescribed medicinal drugs that are loaded with side effects. Medications typically prescribed for anxiety disorders include antidepressants, beta-blockers, muscle-relaxants and tricyclics. Many sufferers of anxiety that take prescription medication can feel dependent on the drug, and may experience negative withdrawal symptoms if they wish to cease the medication.


Instead of relying on pills, there are a variety of natural remedies you can try for anxiety relief. Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits long-term are foundational to a healthy body and mind. By changing your diet, reducing your consumption of alcohol and coffee and practicing mindfulness and meditation, you can help soothe anxiety symptoms. Finding the right method that works best for you is vital in managing anxiety long-term. Not everything you try will work - aim to test out different approaches and stick to what helps you.


Magnesium is required at 300-400mg per day, depending on a variety of factors. With poor dietary habits and modern farming practices, magnesium deficiency is now more common than ever.

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to a long list of health implications, as it is a mineral that is required for hundreds of biological processes. Therefore, it is no surprise that mental health conditions such as anxiety may be heightened because of magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is required for mental health for a variety of reasons. It can suppress excitatory neurotransmitters that often trigger anxiety symptoms. Magnesium can also support the production of feel-good hormones that improve mood and reduce stress. Because of magnesium’s key role in calming the nervous system, anxiety sufferers may experience relief from ensuring their magnesium status is at a healthy level.