The natural wonders of Vitamin C!

Not only is Vitamin C great for your health, it is also great for your complexion too!

Vitamin C is an antioxidant (which means it is capable of fighting the radical free damage that leads to visible signs of ageing)

It occurs naturally in our skin where it helps to boost collagen production AND combat UV damage from the sun. The older we get, the levels of Vitamin C in our skin decrease and in sun damaged skin.

Some amazing benefits of using the Vitamin C beauty serum include a brighter and more even skin tone and help to stimulate collagen production which helps make the skin look smoother, plumper and the fine lines appear less so.

Our Vitamin C Serum is made using desert lime and Kakadu plum which are native Australian ingredients, and extremely special as Kakadu Plum actually contains the WORLD's largest amount of Vitamin C found in any fruit and it is grown right here!

What is not to love?!