Amazing Health Benefits of Magnesium

Do you have enough levels of this vital mineral in your body?

An essential mineral, it is responsible for more than 300 chemical reactions in the body. This important mineral is involved in the contraction of our muscles, the signals our nerves send, maintaining a healthy functioning brain and heart, building a strong immune system, energy and protein synthesis, regulating blood sugar levels, the formation of strong bones and teeth, and many more crucial processes.

How does magnesium help your body?

  • Improves mood – Magnesium is an important nutrient for healthy brain function, including balancing mood.
  • Improves sleep – A common recommendation for those will sleep issues, magnesium works by activating the parasympathetic nervous system which calms you down as well assisting to produce melatonin which is a hormone supporting good sleep.
  • Fights inflammation – Everyone should be working on reducing inflammation in their body. Magnesium is well-studied and known for its anti-inflammatory effects on the body. In fact, magnesium is considered an anti-aging mineral because it reduces inflammation and stress – two factors important with healthy ageing and fighting disease.


Can you be deficient in magnesium? Yes! – it is thought that up to 90% of the population do not get enough via diet alone.”


Common signs of a deficiency include:

  • Joint pain, migraines, muscle spasms and/ or cramps, pins and needles, restless legs
  • Low energy, anxiety, brain fog, decreased memory function, sleep problems, loss of appetite
  • High blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms


How can you boost your magnesium levels? 

You can apply topical magnesium to support the restoration of this vital mineral in your body. The treatment of topical magnesium can be used in conjunction with supplements in either tablet or powder form to enhance the mineral’s benefits. Our Magnesium Sprays are specially designed to be used topically, are infused with essential oils and come in three different varieties to help support your goals.